Let m,n be integers. Explain what is their greatest common divisor (m,n). Show from your definition that, for any integer k,(m,n)=(m+kn,n).
State Bezout's theorem, and use it to show that if p is prime and p divides mn, then p divides at least one of m and n.
The Fibonacci sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,… is defined by x0=0,x1=1 and xn+1=xn+xn−1 for n⩾1. Prove:
(i) (xn+1,xn)=1 and (xn+2,xn)=1 for every n⩾0;
(ii) xn+3≡xn(mod2) and xn+8≡xn(mod3) for every n⩾0;
(iii) if n≡0(mod5) then xn≡0(mod5).