Given a vector x=(x1,x2)∈R2, write down the vector x′ obtained by rotating x through an angle θ.
Given a unit vector n∈R3, any vector x∈R3 may be written as x=x∥+x⊥ where x∥is parallel to n and x⊥ is perpendicular to n. Write down explicit formulae for x∥and x⊥, in terms of n and x. Hence, or otherwise, show that the linear map
describes a rotation about n through an angle θ, in the positive sense defined by the right hand rule.
Write equation (∗) in matrix form, xi′=Rijxj. Show that the trace Rii=1+2cosθ.
Given the rotation matrix
where r=1/2, find the two pairs (θ,n), with −π⩽θ<π, giving rise to R. Explain why both represent the same rotation.