The electric field E(x) due to a static charge distribution with density ρ(x) satisfies
where ϕ(x) is the corresponding electrostatic potential and ε0 is a constant.
(a) Show that the total charge Q contained within a closed surface S is given by Gauss' Law
Assuming spherical symmetry, deduce the electric field and potential due to a point charge q at the origin i.e. for ρ(x)=qδ(x).
(b) Let E1 and E2, with potentials ϕ1 and ϕ2 respectively, be the solutions to (1) arising from two different charge distributions with densities ρ1 and ρ2. Show that
ε01∫Vϕ1ρ2 dV+∫∂Vϕ1∇ϕ2⋅dS=ε01∫Vϕ2ρ1 dV+∫∂Vϕ2∇ϕ1⋅dS
for any region V with boundary ∂V, where dS points out of V.
(c) Suppose that ρ1(x)=0 for ∣x∣⩽a and that ϕ1(x)=Φ, a constant, on ∣x∣=a. Use the results of (a) and (b) to show that
Φ=4πε01∫r>arρ1(x) dV
[You may assume that ϕ1→0 as ∣x∣→∞ sufficiently rapidly that any integrals over the 'sphere at infinity' in (2) are zero.]