The so-called "shallow water theory" is characterised by the equations
where g denotes the gravitational constant, the constant h denotes the undisturbed depth of the water, u(x,t) denotes the speed in the x-direction, and ζ(x,t) denotes the elevation of the water.
(i) Assuming that ∣u∣ and ∣ζ∣ and their gradients are small in some appropriate dimensional considerations, show that ζ satisfies the wave equation
where the constant c should be determined in terms of h and g.
(ii) Using the change of variables
show that the general solution of (∗) satisfying the initial conditions
is given by
Simplify the above to find ζ in terms of u0 and v0.
(iii) Find ζ(x,t) in the particular case that
where H(⋅) denotes the Heaviside step function.
Describe in words this solution.