For a positive integer N,p∈[0,1], and k∈{0,1,…,N}, let
(a) For fixed N and p, show that pk(N,p) is a probability mass function on {0,1,…,N} and that the corresponding probability distribution has mean Np and variance Np(1−p).
(b) Let λ>0. Show that, for any k∈{0,1,2,…},
Show that the right-hand side of (∗) is a probability mass function on {0,1,2,…}.
(c) Let p∈(0,1) and let a,b∈R with a<b. For all N, find integers ka(N) and kb(N) such that
k=ka(N)∑kb(N)pk(N,p)→2π1∫abe−21x2dx as N→∞