(a) Let G be a finite group acting on a finite set X. For any subset T of G, we define the fixed point set as XT={x∈X:∀g∈T,g⋅x=x}. Write Xg for X{g}(g∈G). Let G\X be the set of G-orbits in X. In what follows you may assume the orbit-stabiliser theorem.
Prove that
where the sum is taken over a set of representatives for the orbits containing more than one element.
By considering the set Z={(g,x)∈G×X:g⋅x=x}, or otherwise, show also that
(b) Let V be the set of vertices of a regular pentagon and let the dihedral group D10 act on V. Consider the set Xn of functions F:V→Zn (the integers mod n). Assume that D10 and its rotation subgroup C5 act on Xn by the rule
where g∈D10,F∈Xn and v∈V. It is given that ∣Xn∣=n5. We define a necklace to be a C5-orbit in Xn and a bracelet to be a D10-orbit in Xn.
Find the number of necklaces and bracelets for any n.