Let α∈L(U,V) be a linear map between finite-dimensional vector spaces. Let
Ml(α)={β∈L(V,U):βα=0} and Mr(α)={β∈L(V,U):αβ=0}.
(a) Prove that Ml(α) and Mr(α) are subspaces of L(V,U) of dimensions
dimMl(α)=(dimV−rankα)dimU and dimMr(α)=dimker(α)dimV
[You may use the result that there exist bases in U and V so that α is represented by
where Ir is the r×r identity matrix and r is the rank of α.]
(b) Let Φ:L(U,V)→L(V∗,U∗) be given by Φ(α)=α∗, where α∗ is the dual map induced by α. Prove that Φ is an isomorphism. [You may assume that Φ is linear, and you may use the result that a finite-dimensional vector space and its dual have the same dimension.]
(c) Prove that
Φ(Ml(α))=Mr(α∗) and Φ(Mr(α))=Ml(α∗)
[You may use the results that (βα)∗=α∗β∗ and that β∗∗ can be identified with β under the canonical isomorphism between a vector space and its double dual.]
(d) Conclude that rank(α)=rank(α∗).