Write down Maxwell's equations in a region with no charges and no currents. Show that if E(x,t) and B(x,t) is a solution then so is E(x,t)=cB(x,t) and B(x,t)=−E(x,t)/c. Write down the boundary conditions on E and B at the boundary with unit normal n between a perfect conductor and a vacuum.
Electromagnetic waves propagate inside a tube of perfectly conducting material. The tube's axis is in the z-direction, and it is surrounded by a vacuum. The fields may be taken to be the real parts of
Write down Maxwell's equations in terms of e,b,k and ω.
Suppose first that bz(x,y)=0. Show that the solution is determined by
where the function ψ(x,y) satisfies
and ψ vanishes on the boundary of the tube. Here γ2 is a constant whose value should be determined.
Obtain a similar condition for the case where ez(x,y)=0. [You may find it useful to use a result from the first paragraph.] What is the corresponding boundary condition?