Defining the function Gf3(r;r0)=−1/(4π∣r−r0∣), prove Green's third identity for functions u(r) satisfying Laplace's equation in a volume V with surface S, namely
A solution is sought to the Neumann problem for ∇2u=0 in the half plane z>0 :
u=O(∣x∣−a),∂r∂u=O(∣x∣−a−1) as ∣x∣→∞,∂z∂u=p(x,y) on z=0
where a>0. It is assumed that ∫−∞∞∫−∞∞p(x,y)dxdy=0. Explain why this condition is necessary.
Construct an appropriate Green's function G(r;r0) satisfying ∂G/∂z=0 at z=0, using the method of images or otherwise. Hence find the solution in the form
where f is to be determined.
Now let
p(x,y)={x0∣x∣,∣y∣<a otherwise
By expanding f in inverse powers of z0, show that
u→3πz03−2a4x0 as z0→∞.