Let D be a two dimensional domain with boundary ∂D. Establish Green's second identity
where ∂n∂ denotes the outward normal derivative on ∂D.
State the differential equation and boundary conditions which are satisfied by a Dirichlet Green's function G(r,r0) for the Laplace operator on the domain D, where r0 is a fixed point in the interior of D.
Suppose that ∇2ψ=0 on D. Show that
Consider Laplace's equation in the upper half plane,
∇2ψ(x,y)=0,−∞<x<∞ and y>0
with boundary conditions ψ(x,0)=f(x) where f(x)→0 as ∣x∣→∞, and ψ(x,y)→0 as x2+y2→∞. Show that the solution is given by the integral formula
[ Hint: It might be useful to consider
for suitable r~0. You may assume ∇2log∣r−r0∣=2πδ(r−r0). ]