Let D⊂R2 be a two-dimensional domain with boundary S=∂D, and let
where r0 is a point in the interior of D. From Green's second identity,
derive Green's third identity
[Here ∂n∂ denotes the normal derivative on S.]
Consider the Dirichlet problem on the unit discD1={r∈R2:∣r∣⩽1} :
Show that, with an appropriate function G(r,r0), the solution can be obtained by the formula
State the boundary conditions on G and explain how G is related to G2.
For r,r0∈R2, prove the identity
and deduce that if the point r lies on the unit circle, then
∣r−r0∣=∣r0∣∣r−r0∗∣, where r0∗=∣r0∣2r0
Hence, using the method of images, or otherwise, find an expression for the function G(r,r0). [An expression for ∂n∂G is not required.]