Briefly explain the main assumptions leading to Drude's theory of conductivity. Show that these assumptions lead to the following equation for the average drift velocity ⟨v(t)⟩ of the conducting electrons:
where m and e are the mass and charge of each conducting electron, τ−1 is the probability that a given electron collides with an ion in unit time, and E is the applied electric field.
Given that ⟨v⟩=v0e−iωt and E=E0e−iωt, where v0 and E0 are independent of t, show that
Here, σ=σs/(1−iωτ),σs=ne2τ/m and n is the number of conducting electrons per unit volume.
Now let v0=v0eik⋅x and E0=E0eik⋅x, where v0 and E0 are constant. Assuming that (∗) remains valid, use Maxwell's equations (taking the charge density to be everywhere zero but allowing for a non-zero current density) to show that
where the relative permittivity ϵr=1+iσ/(ωϵ0) and k=∣k∣.
In the case ωτ≫1 and ω<ωp, where ωp2=σs/τϵ0, show that the wave decays exponentially with distance inside the conductor.