Consider the general linear model Y=Xθ+ϵ where X is a known n×p matrix, θ is an unknown p×1 vector of parameters, and ϵ is an n×1 vector of independent N(0,σ2) random variables with unknown variance σ2. Assume the p×p matrix XTX is invertible. Let
What are the distributions of θ^ and ϵ^ ? Show that θ^ and ϵ^ are uncorrelated.
Four apple trees stand in a 2×2 rectangular grid. The annual yield of the tree at coordinate (i,j) conforms to the model
where xij is the amount of fertilizer applied to tree (i,j),α1,α2 may differ because of varying soil across rows, and the ϵij are N(0,σ2) random variables that are independent of one another and from year to year. The following two possible experiments are to be compared:
I:(xij)=(0213) and II:(xij)=(0321).
Represent these as general linear models, with θ=(α1,α2,β). Compare the variances of estimates of β under I and II.
With II the following yields are observed:
Forecast the total yield that will be obtained next year if no fertilizer is used. What is the 95% predictive interval for this yield?