Let (Xn:n⩾0) be a homogeneous Markov chain with state space S. For i,j in S let pi,j(n) denote the n-step transition probability P(Xn=j∣X0=i).
(i) Express the (m+n)-step transition probability pi,j(m+n) in terms of the n-step and m-step transition probabilities.
(ii) Write i→j if there exists n⩾0 such that pi,j(n)>0, and i↔j if i→j and j→i. Prove that if i↔j and i=j then either both i and j are recurrent or both i and j are transient. [You may assume that a state i is recurrent if and only if ∑n=0∞pi,i(n)=∞, and otherwise i is transient.]
(iii) A Markov chain has state space {0,1,2,3} and transition matrix
For each state i, determine whether i is recurrent or transient. [Results from the course may be quoted without proof, provided they are clearly stated.]