Consider a homogeneous Markov chain (Xn:n⩾0) with state space S and transition matrixP=(pi,j:i,j∈S). For a state i, define the terms aperiodic, positive recurrent and ergodic.
Let S={0,1,2,…} and suppose that for i⩾1 we have pi,i−1=1 and
where p=1−q∈(0,1). Show that this Markov chain is irreducible.
Let T0=inf{n⩾1:Xn=0} be the first passage time to 0 . Find P(T0=n∣X0=0) and show that state 0 is ergodic.
Find the invariant distribution π for this Markov chain. Write down:
(i) the mean recurrence time for state i,i⩾1;
(ii) limn→∞P(Xn=0∣X0=0).
[Results from the course may be quoted without proof, provided they are clearly stated.]