Define the angular momentum operators L^i for a particle in three dimensions in terms of the position and momentum operators x^i and p^i=−iℏ∂xi∂. Write down an expression for [L^i,L^j] and use this to show that [L^2,L^i]=0 where L^2=L^x2+L^y2+L^z2. What is the significance of these two commutation relations?
Let ψ(x,y,z) be both an eigenstate of L^z with eigenvalue zero and an eigenstate of L^2 with eigenvalue ℏ2l(l+1). Show that (L^x+iL^y)ψ is also an eigenstate of both L^z and L^2 and determine the corresponding eigenvalues.
Find real constants A and B such that
is an eigenfunction of L^z with eigenvalue zero and an eigenfunction of L^2 with an eigenvalue which you should determine. [Hint: You might like to show that L^if(r)=0.]