(a) Define the quantum orbital angular momentum operator L^=(L^1,L^2,L^3) in three dimensions, in terms of the position and momentum operators.
(b) Show that [L^1,L^2]=iℏL^3. [You may assume that the position and momentum operators satisfy the canonical commutation relations.]
(c) Let L^2=L^12+L^22+L^32. Show that L^1 commutes with L^2.
[In this part of the question you may additionally assume without proof the permuted relations [L^2,L^3]=iℏL^1 and [L^3,L^1]=iℏL^2.]
[Hint: It may be useful to consider the expression [A^,B^]B^+B^[A^,B^] for suitable operators A^ and B^.]
(d) Suppose that ψ1(x,y,z) and ψ2(x,y,z) are normalised eigenstates of L^1 with eigenvalues ℏ and −ℏ respectively. Consider the wavefunction
with ω being a positive constant. Find the earliest time t0>0 such that the expectation value of L^1 in ψ is zero.