A flexible wire filament is described by the curve (x,y(x),z(x)) in cartesian coordinates for 0⩽x⩽L. The filament is assumed to be almost straight and thus we assume ∣y′∣≪1 and ∣z′∣≪1 everywhere.
(a) Show that the total length of the filament is approximately L+Δ where
(b) Under a uniform external axial force, F>0, the filament adopts the shape which minimises the total energy, E=EB−FΔ, where EB is the bending energy given by
and where A(x) and B(x) are x-dependent bending rigidities (both known and strictly positive). The filament satisfies the boundary conditions
Derive the Euler-Lagrange equations for y(x) and z(x).
(c) In the case where A=B=1 and L=1, show that below a critical force, Fc, which should be determined, the only energy-minimising solution for the filament is straight (y=z=0), but that a new nonzero solution is admissible at F=Fc.