Consider the normal linear model Y=Xβ+ε where X is a known n×p design matrix with n−2>p⩾1,β∈Rp is an unknown vector of parameters, and ε∼Nn(0,σ2I) is a vector of normal errors with each component having variance σ2>0. Suppose X has full column rank.
(i) Write down the maximum likelihood estimators, β^ and σ^2, for β and σ2 respectively. [You need not derive these.]
(ii) Show that β^ is independent of σ^2.
(iii) Find the distributions of β^ and nσ^2/σ2.
(iv) Consider the following test statistic for testing the null hypothesis H0:β=0 against the alternative β=0 :
Let λ1⩾λ2⩾⋯⩾λp>0 be the eigenvalues of XTX. Show that under H0,T has the same distribution as
where Z∼χn−p2 and W1,…,Wp are independent χ12 random variables, independent of Z.
[Hint: You may use the fact that X=UDVT where U∈Rn×p has orthonormal columns, V∈Rp×p is an orthogonal matrix and D∈Rp×p is a diagonal matrix with Dii=λi.]
(v) Find ET when β=0. [Hint: If R∼χν2 with ν>2, then E(1/R)=1/(ν−2).]