
Algorithms and Networks
Part II, 2001

(i) Let GG be a directed network with nodes NN and arcsA\operatorname{arcs} A. Let SNS \subset N be a subset of the nodes, xx be a flow on GG, and yy be the divergence of xx. Describe carefully what is meant by a cut Q=[S,N\S]Q=[S, N \backslash S]. Define the arc-cut incidence eQe_{Q}, and the flux of xx across QQ. Define also the divergence y(S)y(S) of SS. Show that y(S)=xeQy(S)=x \cdot e_{Q}.

Now suppose that capacity constraints are specified on each of the arcs. Define the upper cut capacity c+(Q)c^{+}(Q) of QQ. State the feasible distribution problem for a specified divergence bb, and show that the problem only has a solution if b(N)=0b(N)=0 and b(S)c+(Q)b(S) \leqslant c^{+}(Q) for all cuts Q=[S,N\S]Q=[S, N \backslash S].

(ii) Describe an algorithm to find a feasible distribution given a specified divergence bb and capacity constraints on each arc. Explain what happens when no feasible distribution exists.

Illustrate the algorithm by either finding a feasible circulation, or demonstrating that one does not exist, in the network given below. Arcs are labelled with capacity constraint intervals.

Part II