(i) Introducing the concept of a co-moving distance co-ordinate, explain briefly how the velocity of a galaxy in an isotropic and homogeneous universe is determined by the scale factor . How is the scale factor related to the Hubble constant ?
A homogeneous and isotropic universe has an energy density and a pressure . Use the relation to derive the "fluid equation"
where the overdot indicates differentiation with respect to time, . Given that satisfies the "acceleration equation"
show that the quantity
is time-independent.
The pressure is related to by the "equation of state"
Given that , find for , and hence show that .
(ii) What is meant by the expression "the Hubble time"?
Assuming that and , where is the time now (of the current cosmological era), obtain a formula for the radius of the observable universe.
Given that
for constant , find the values of for which is finite. Given that is finite, show that the age of the universe is less than the Hubble time. Explain briefly, and qualitatively, why this result is to be expected as long as
Part II