(i) The pions form an isospin triplet with π+=∣1,1⟩,π0=∣1,0⟩ and π−=∣1,−1⟩, whilst the nucleons form an isospin doublet with p=∣∣∣21,21⟩ and n=∣∣∣21,−21⟩. Consider the isospin representation of two-particle states spanned by the basis
State which irreducible representations are contained in this representation and explain why ∣π+p⟩ is an isospin eigenstate.
where I−is the isospin ladder operator, write the isospin eigenstates in terms of the basis, T.
(ii) The Lie algebra su(2) of generators of SU(2) is spanned by the operators {J+,J−,J3} satisfying the commutator algebra [J+,J−]=2J3 and [J3,J±]=±J±. Let Ψj be an eigenvector of J3:J3(Ψj)=jΨj such that J+Ψj=0. The vector space Vj=span{J−nΨj:n∈N0} together with the action of an arbitrary su(2) operator A on Vj defined by
forms a representation (not necessarily reducible) of su(2). Show that if J−nΨj is nontrivial then it is an eigenvector of J3 and find its eigenvalue. Given that [J+,J−n]=αnJ−n−1J3+βnJ−n−1 show that αn and βn satisfy
By solving these equations evaluate [J+,J−n]. Show that J+J−2j+1Ψj=0. Hence show that J−2j+1Ψj is contained in a proper sub-representation of Vj.