Fluid flows in the x-direction past the infinite plane y=0 with uniform but timedependent velocity U(t)=U0G(t/t0), where G is a positive function with timescale t0. A long region of the plane, 0<x<L, is heated and has temperature T0(1+γ(x/L)n), where T0,γ,n are constants [γ=O(1)]; the remainder of the plane is insulating (Ty=0). The fluid temperature far from the heated region is T0. A thermal boundary layer is formed over the heated region. The full advection-diffusion equation for temperature T(x,y,t) is
where D is the thermal diffusivity. By considering the steady case (G≡1), derive a scale for the thickness of the boundary layer, and explain why the term Txx in (1) can be neglected if U0L/D≫1.