Let α1,α2 be two non-zero complex numbers with α1/α2∈/R. Let L be the lattice Zα1⊕Zα2⊂C. A meromorphic function f on C is elliptic if f(z+λ)=f(z), for all z∈C and λ∈L. The Weierstrass functions ℘(z),ζ(z),σ(z) are defined by the following properties:
℘(z) is elliptic, has double poles at the points of L and no other poles, and ℘(z)= 1/z2+O(z2) near 0
ζ′(z)=−℘(z), and ζ(z)=1/z+O(z3) near 0 ;
σ(z) is odd, and σ′(z)/σ(z)=ζ(z), and σ(z)/z→1 as z→0.
Prove the following
(a) ℘, and hence ζ and σ, are uniquely determined by these properties. You are not expected to prove the existence of ℘,ζ,σ, and you may use Liouville's theorem without proof.
(b) ζ(z+αi)=ζ(z)+2ηi, and σ(z+αi)=kie2ηizσ(z), for some constants ηi,ki(i=1,2).
(c) σ is holomorphic, has simple zeroes at the points of L, and has no other zeroes.
(d) Given a1,…,an and b1,…,bn in C with a1+…+an=b1+…+bn, the function
is elliptic.
(e) ℘(u)−℘(v)=−σ2(u)σ2(v)σ(u+v)σ(u−v).
(f) Deduce from (e), or otherwise, that 21℘(u)−℘(v)℘′(u)−℘′(v)=ζ(u+v)−ζ(u)−ζ(v).