What is an ideal gas? Explain how the microstates of an ideal gas of indistinguishable particles can be labelled by a set of integers. What range of values do these integers take for (a) a boson gas and (b) a Fermi gas?
Let be the energy of the -th one-particle energy eigenstate of an ideal gas in thermal equilibrium at temperature and let be the probability that there are particles of the gas in this state. Given that
determine the normalization factor for (a) a boson gas and (b) a Fermi gas. Hence obtain an expression for , the average number of particles in the -th one-particle energy eigenstate for both cases (a) and (b).
In the case of a Fermi gas, write down (without proof) the generalization of your formula for to a gas at non-zero chemical potential . Show how it leads to the concept of a Fermi energy for a gas at zero temperature. How is related to the Fermi momentum for (a) a non-relativistic gas and (b) an ultra-relativistic gas?
In an approximation in which the discrete set of energies is replaced with a continuous set with momentum , the density of one-particle states with momentum in the range to is . Explain briefly why
where is the volume of the gas. Using this formula, obtain an expression for the total energy of an ultra-relativistic gas at zero chemical potential as an integral over . Hence show that
where is a number that you should compute. Why does this result apply to a photon gas?
Using the formula for a non-relativistic Fermi gas at zero temperature, obtain an expression for the particle number density in terms of the Fermi momentum and provide a physical interpretation of this formula in terms of the typical de Broglie wavelength. Obtain an analogous formula for the (internal) energy density and hence show that the pressure behaves as
where is a number that you should compute. [You need not prove any relation between the pressure and the energy density you use.] What is the origin of this pressure given that by assumption? Explain briefly and qualitatively how it is relevant to the stability of white dwarf stars.