Let F⊂K be a finite extension of fields and let G be the group of F-automorphisms of K. State a result relating the order of G to the degree [K:F].
Now let K=k(X1,…,X4) be the field of rational functions in four variables over a field k and let F=k(s1,…,s4) where s1,…,s4 are the elementary symmetric polynomials in k[X1,…,X4]. Show that the degree [K:F]⩽4 ! and deduce that F is the fixed field of the natural action of the symmetric group S4 on K.
Show that X1X3+X2X4 has a cubic minimum polynomial over F. Let G= ⟨σ,τ⟩⊂S4 be the dihedral group generated by the permutations σ=(1234) and τ=(13). Show that the fixed field of G is F(X1X3+X2X4). Find the fixed field of the subgroup H=⟨σ2,τ⟩.