Let X be a binary linear code of length n, rank k and distance d. Let x= (x1,…,xn)∈X be a codeword with exactly d non-zero digits.
(a) Prove that n⩾d+k−1 (the Singleton bound).
(b) Prove that truncating X on the non-zero digits of x produces a code X′ of length n−d, rank k−1 and distance d′ for some d′⩾⌈2d⌉. Here ⌈a⌉ is the integer satisfying a⩽⌈a⌉<a+1,a∈R.
[Hint: Assume the opposite. Then, given y∈X and its truncation y′∈X′, consider the coordinates where x and y have 1 in common (i.e. xj=yj=1 ) and where they differ ( e.g. xj=1 and yj=0).]
(c) Deduce that n⩾d+∑1⩽ℓ⩽k−1⌈2ℓd⌉ (an improved Singleton bound).