Consider the deterministic dynamical system
where A and B are constant matrices, xt∈Rn, and ut is the control variable, ut∈Rm. What does it mean to say that the system is controllable?
Let yt=e−tAxt−x0. Show that if Vt is the set of possible values for yt as the control {us:0≤x≤t} is allowed to vary, then Vt is a vector space.
Show that each of the following three conditions is equivalent to controllability of the system.
(i) The set {v∈Rn:v⊤yt=0 for all yt∈Vt}={0}.
(ii) The matrix H(t)=∫0te−sABB⊤e−sA⊤ds is (strictly) positive definite.
(iii) The matrix Mn=[BABA2B⋯An−1B] has rank n.
Consider the scalar system
where a0=1. Show that this system is controllable.