(i) Give the definitions of a recurrent and a null recurrent irreducible Markov chain.
Let (Xn) be a recurrent Markov chain with state space I and irreducible transition matrix P=(pij). Prove that the vectors γk=(γjk,j∈I),k∈I, with entries γkk=1 and
γik=Ek(# of visits to i before returning to k),i=k,
are P-invariant:
(ii) Let (Wn) be the birth and death process on Z+={0,1,2,…} with the following transition probabilities:
By relating (Wn) to the symmetric simple random walk (Yn) on Z, or otherwise, prove that (Wn) is a recurrent Markov chain. By considering invariant measures, or otherwise, prove that (Wn) is null recurrent.
Calculate the vectors γk=(γik,i∈Z+)for the chain (Wn),k∈Z+.
Finally, let W0=0 and let N be the number of visits to 1 before returning to 0 . Show that P0(N=n)=(1/2)n,n≥1.
[You may use properties of the random walk (Yn) or general facts about Markov chains without proof but should clearly state them.]