Consider a frame S′ moving with velocity v relative to the laboratory frame S where ∣v∣2≪c2. The electric and magnetic fields in S are E and B, while those measured in S′ are E′ and B′. Given that B′=B, show that
for any closed circuit Γ and hence that E′=E+v∧B.
Now consider a fluid with electrical conductivity σ and moving with velocity v(r). Use Ohm's law in the moving frame to relate the current density j to the electric field E in the laboratory frame, and show that if j remains finite in the limit σ→∞ then
The magnetic helicity H in a volume V is given by ∫VA⋅Bdτ where A is the vector potential. Show that if the normal components of v and B both vanish on the surface bounding V then dH/dt=0.