Let X≡(X0,X1,…,XJ)T be a zero-mean Gaussian vector, with covariance matrix V=(vjk). In a simple single-period economy with J agents, agent i will receive Xi at time 1(i=1,…,J). If Y is a contingent claim to be paid at time 1 , define agent i 's reservation bid price for Y, assuming his preferences are given by E[Ui(Xi+Z)] for any contingent claim Z.
Assuming that Ui(x)≡−exp(−γix) for each i, where γi>0, show that agent i 's reservation bid price for λ units of X0 is
As λ→0, find the limit of agent i 's per-unit reservation bid price for X0, and comment on the expression you obtain.
The agents bargain, and reach an equilibrium. Assuming that the contingent claim X0 is in zero net supply, show that the equilibrium price of X0 will be
where Γ−1=∑i=1Jγi−1 and v0∙=∑i=1Jv0i. Show that at that price agent i will choose to buy
units of X0.
By computing the improvement in agent i 's expected utility, show that the value to agent i of access to this market is equal to a fixed payment of