Let (Ω,F,P) be a probability space. For G⊆F, what is meant by saying that G is a π-system? State the 'uniqueness of extension' theorem for measures on σ(G) having given values on G.
For G,H⊆F, we call G,H independent if
P(G∩H)=P(G)P(H) for all G∈G,H∈H
If G and H are independent π-systems, show that σ(G) and σ(H) are independent.
Let Y1,Y2,…,Ym,Z1,Z2,…,Zn be independent random variables on (Ω,F,P). Show that the σ-fields σ(Y)=σ(Y1,Y2,…,Ym) and σ(Z)=σ(Z1,Z2,…,Zn) are independent.