Let r denote the riskless rate and let σ>0 be a fixed volatility parameter.
(a) Let (St)t⩾0 be a Black-Scholes asset with zero dividends:
where B is standard Brownian motion. Derive the Black-Scholes partial differential equation for the price of a European option on S with bounded payoff φ(ST) at expiry T :
[You may use the fact that for C2 functions f:R×R→R satisfying exponential growth conditions, and standard Brownian motion B, the process
is a martingale.]
(b) Indicate the changes in your argument when the asset pays dividends continuously at rate D>0. Find the corresponding Black-Scholes partial differential equation.
(c) Assume D=0. Find a closed form solution for the time-0 price of a European power option with payoff STn.