A discrete-time controlled Markov process evolves according to
where the ε are independent zero-mean random variables with common variance σ2, and λ is a known constant.
Consider the problem of minimizing
where C(x,u)=21(u2+ax2),β∈(0,1) and R(x)=21a0x2+b0. Show that the optimal control at time j takes the form uj=kT−jXj for certain constants ki. Show also that the minimized value for Ft,T(x) is of the form
for certain constants aj,bj. Explain how these constants are to be calculated. Prove that the equation
has a unique positive solution z=a∗, and that the sequence (aj)j⩾0 converges monotonically to a∗.
Prove that the sequence (bj)j⩾0 converges, to the limit
Finally, prove that kj→k∗≡−βa∗λ/(1+βa∗).