Consider a particle of mass m and momentum ℏk moving under the influence of a spherically symmetric potential V(r) such that V(r)=0 for r⩾a. Define the scattering amplitude f(θ) and the phase shift δℓ(k). Here θ is the scattering angle. How is f(θ) related to the differential cross section?
Obtain the partial-wave expansion
Let Rℓ(r) be a solution of the radial Schrödinger equation, regular at r=0, for energy ℏ2k2/2m and angular momentum ℓ. Let
Obtain the relation
Suppose that
for some ℓ, with all other δℓ small for k≈k0. What does this imply for the differential cross section when k≈k0 ?
[For V=0, the two independent solutions of the radial Schrödinger equation are jℓ(kr) and nℓ(kr) with
jℓ(ρ)eiρcosθ∼ρ1sin(ρ−21ℓπ),nℓ(ρ)∼−ρ1cos(ρ−21ℓπ) as ρ→∞=ℓ=0∑∞(2ℓ+1)iℓjℓ(ρ)Pℓ(cosθ)
Note that the Wronskian ρ2(jℓ(ρ)nℓ′(ρ)−jℓ′(ρ)nℓ(ρ)) is independent of ρ.]