The number density of fermions of mass m at equilibrium in the early universe with temperature T, is given by the integral
where E(p)=cp2+m2c2, and μ is the chemical potential. Assuming that the fermions remain in equilibrium when they become non-relativistic (kT,μ≪mc2), show that the number density can be expressed as
[Hint: You may assume ∫0∞dxe−σ2x2=π/(2σ),(σ>0).]
Suppose that the fermions decouple at a temperature given by kT=mc2/α where α≫1. Assume also that μ=0. By comparing with the photon number density at nγ=16πζ(3)(kT/hc)3, where ζ(3)=∑n=1∞n−3=1.202…, show that the ratio of number densities at decoupling is given by
Now assume that α≈20, (which implies n/nγ≈5×10−8 ), and that the fermion mass m=mp/20, where mp is the proton mass. Explain clearly why this new fermion would be a good candidate for solving the dark matter problem of the standard cosmology.