Define (i) the Fourier transform of a tempered distribution T∈S′(R3), and (ii) the convolution T∗g of a tempered distribution T∈S′(R3) and a Schwartz function g∈S(R3). Give a formula for the Fourier transform of T∗g ("convolution theorem").
Let t>0. Compute the Fourier transform of the tempered distribution At∈S′(R3) defined by
and deduce the Kirchhoff formula for the solution u(t,x) of
Prove, by consideration of the quantities e=21(ut2+∣∇u∣2) and p=−ut∇u, that any C2 solution is also given by the Kirchhoff formula (uniqueness).
Prove a corresponding uniqueness statement for the initial value problem
where V is a smooth positive real-valued function of x∈R3 only.