Let have a Gamma distribution with density
Show that the Gamma distribution is of exponential dispersion family form. Deduce directly the corresponding expressions for and in terms of and . What is the canonical link function?
Let . Consider a generalised linear model (g.l.m.) for responses with random component defined by the Gamma distribution with canonical link , so that , where is the vector of unknown regression coefficients and is the vector of known values of the explanatory variables for the th observation, .
Obtain expressions for the score function and Fisher information matrix and explain how these can be used in order to approximate , the maximum likelihood estimator (m.l.e.) of .
[Use the canonical link function and assume that the dispersion parameter is known.]
Finally, obtain an expression for the deviance for a comparison of the full (saturated) model to the g.l.m. with canonical link using the m.l.e. (or estimated mean .