Consider the body-centred cuboidal lattice L with lattice points (n1a,n2a,n3b) and ((n1+21)a,(n2+21)a,(n3+21)b), where a and b are positive and n1,n2 and n3 take all possible integer values. Find the reciprocal lattice Land describe its geometrical form. Calculate the volumes of the unit cells of the lattices L and L.
Find the reciprocal lattice vector associated with the lattice planes parallel to the plane containing the points (0,0,b),(0,a,b),(21a,21a,21b),(a,0,0) and (a,a,0). Deduce the allowed Bragg scattering angles of X-rays off these planes, assuming that b=34a and that the X-rays have wavelength λ=21a.