Let xa(λ) be a path P with tangent vector Ta=dλdxa(λ). For vectors Xa(x(λ)) and Ya(x(λ)) defined on P let
where Γbca(x) is the metric connection for a metric gab(x).∇TYa is defined similarly. Suppose P is geodesic and λ is an affine parameter. Explain why ∇TTa=0. Show that if ∇TXa=∇TYa=0 then gab(x(λ))Xa(x(λ))Yb(x(λ)) is constant along P.
If xa(λ,μ) is a family of geodesics which depend on μ, let Sa=∂μ∂xa and define
Show that ∇TSa=∇STa and obtain
What is the physical relevance of this equation in general relativity? Describe briefly how this is relevant for an observer moving under gravity.
[You may assume [∇T,∇S]Xa=RbcdaXbTcSd.]