A solution of the Einstein equations is given by the metric
ds2=−(1−r2M)dt2+(1−r2M)1dr2+r2( dθ2+sin2θdϕ2)
For an incoming light ray, with constant θ,ϕ, show that
for some fixed v and find a similar solution for an outgoing light ray. For the outgoing case, assuming r>2M, show that in the far past 2Mr−1∝exp(2Mt) and in the far future r∼t.
Obtain the transformed metric after the change of variables (t,r,θ,ϕ)→(v,r,θ,ϕ). With coordinates t^=v−r,r sketch, for fixed θ,ϕ, the trajectories followed by light rays. What is the significance of the line r=2M ?
Show that, whatever path an observer with initial r=r0<2M takes, he must reach r=0 in a finite proper time.