where E(p)=cp2+m2c2,μ is the chemical potential, and gs is the spin degeneracy. Assuming that the particles remain in equilibrium when they become non-relativistic (kT,μ≪mc2), show that the number density can be expressed as
[Hint: Recall that ∫0∞dxe−σ2x2=π/(2σ),(σ>0).]
At around t=100 seconds, deuterium D forms through the nuclear fusion of nonrelativistic protons p and neutrons n via the interaction p+n↔D. In equilibrium, what is the relationship between the chemical potentials of the three species? Show that the ratio of their number densities can be expressed as
where the deuterium binding energy is BD=(mn+mp−mD)c2 and you may take gD=4. Now consider the fractional densities Xa=na/nB, where nB is the baryon density of the universe, to re-express the ratio above in the form XD/(XnXp), which incorporates the baryon-to-photon ratio η of the universe.
[You may assume that the photon density is nγ=(16πζ(3)/(hc)3)(kT)3.]
Why does deuterium form only at temperatures much lower than that given by kT≈BD ?