Let n⩾1 be an integer, and let M(n) denote the set of n×n real-valued matrices. We make M(n) into an n2-dimensional smooth manifold via the obvious identification M(n)=Rn2.
(a) Let GL(n) denote the subset
GL(n)={A∈M(n):A−1 exists }
Show that GL(n) is a submanifold of M(n). What is dimGL(n) ?
(b) Now let SL(n)⊂GL(n) denote the subset
Show that for A∈GL(n),
(d det )AB=tr(A−1B)detA.
Show that SL(n) is a submanifold of GL(n). What is the dimension of SL(n)?
(c) Now consider the set X=M(n)\GL(n). For what values of n⩾1 is X a submanifold of M(n) ?