Consider the initial value problem for the so-called Liouville equation
for the function f=f(x,v,t) on R2d×R. Assume that V=V(x) is a given function with V,∇xV Lipschitz continuous on Rd.
(i) Let fI(x,v)=δ(x−x0,v−v0), for x0,v0∈Rd given. Show that a solution f is given by
where (x^,v^) solve the Newtonian system
(ii) Let fI∈Lloc1(R2d),fI⩾0. Prove (by using characteristics) that f remains nonnegative (as long as it exists).
(iii) Let fI∈Lp(R2d),fI⩾0 on R2d. Show (by a formal argument) that
for all t∈R,1⩽p<∞.
(iv) Let V(x)=21∣x∣2. Use the method of characteristics to solve the initial value problem for general initial data.