(a) Solve by using the method of characteristics
where g:R→R is continuous. What is the maximal domain in R2 in which u is a solution of the Cauchy problem?
(b) Prove that the function
is a weak solution of the Burgers equation
with initial data
(c) Let u=u(x,t),x∈R,t>0 be a piecewise C1-function with a jump discontinuity along the curve
and let u solve the Burgers equation (∗) on both sides of Γ. Prove that u is a weak solution of (1) if and only if
holds, where ul(t),ur(t) are the one-sided limits
[Hint: Multiply the equation by a test function ϕ∈C0∞(R×[0,∞)), split the integral appropriately and integrate by parts. Consider how the unit normal vector along Γ can be expressed in terms of s˙.]