Paper 3, Section II, I
Define the character of a finite group which is induced by a character of a subgroup of .
State and prove the Frobenius reciprocity formula for the characters of and of .
Now suppose that has index 2 in . An irreducible character of and an irreducible character of are said to be 'related' if
Show that each of degree is either 'monogamous' in the sense that it is related to one (of degree ), or 'bigamous' in the sense that it is related to precisely two distinct characters (of degree . Show that each is related to one bigamous , or to two monogamous characters (of the same degree).
Write down the degrees of the complex irreducible characters of the alternating group . Find the degrees of the irreducible characters of a group containing as a subgroup of index 2 , distinguishing two possible cases.