Consider a population subject to the following birth-death process. When the number of individuals in the population is n, the probability of an increase from n to n+1 in unit time is βn+γ and the probability of a decrease from n to n−1 is αn(n−1), where α,β and γ are constants.
Show that the master equation for P(n,t), the probability that at time t the population has n members, is
Show that ⟨n⟩, the mean number of individuals in the population, satisfies
Deduce that, in a steady state,
where Δn is the standard deviation of n. When is the minus sign admissable?
Show how a Fokker-Planck equation of the form
may be derived under conditions to be explained, where the functions g(n) and h(n) should be evaluated.
In the case α≪γ and β=0, find the leading-order approximation to n∗ such that g(n∗)=0. Defining the new variable x=n−n∗, where g(n∗)=0, approximate g(n) by g′(n∗)x and h(n) by h(n∗). Solve (∗) for P(x) in the steady-state limit and deduce leading-order estimates for ⟨n⟩ and (Δn)2.