The Poisson equation uxx=f in the unit interval Ω=[0,1],u=0 on ∂Ω is discretised with the formula
where 1⩽i⩽n,ui≈u(ih) and ih are the grid points.
(i) Define the above system of equations in vector form Au=b and describe the relaxed Jacobi method with relaxation parameter ω for solving this linear system. For x∗ and x(ν) being the exact solution and the iterated solution respectively, let e(ν)=x(ν)−x∗ be the error and Hω the iteration matrix, so that
Express Hω in terms of the matrix A, the diagonal part D of A and ω, and find the eigenvectors vk and the eigenvalues λk(ω) of Hω.
(ii) For A as above, let
be the expansion of the error with respect to the eigenvectors of Hω. Derive conditions on ω such that the method converges for any n, and prove that, for any such ω, the rate of convergence of e(ν)→0 is not faster than (1−c/n2)ν.
(iii) Show that, for some ω, the high frequency components (2n+1⩽k⩽n) of the error e(ν) tend to zero much faster than (1−c/n2)ν. Determine the optimal parameter ω∗ which provides the largest suppression of the high frequency components per iteration, and find the corresponding attenuation factor μ∗ (i.e., the least μω such that ∣∣∣∣ak(ν+1)∣∣∣∣⩽μω∣∣∣∣ak(ν)∣∣∣∣ for 2n+1⩽k⩽n).