The parameter vector is Θ≡(Θ1,Θ2,Θ3), with Θi>0,Θ1+Θ2+Θ3=1. Given Θ=θ≡(θ1,θ2,θ3), the integer random vector X=(X1,X2,X3) has a trinomial distribution, with probability mass function
Compute the score vector for the parameter Θ∗:=(Θ1,Θ2), and, quoting any relevant general result, use this to determine E(Xi)(i=1,2,3).
Considering (1) as an exponential family with mean-value parameter Θ∗, what is the corresponding natural parameter Φ≡(Φ1,Φ2) ?
Compute the information matrix I for Θ∗, which has (i,j)-entry
where l denotes the log-likelihood function, based on X, expressed in terms of (θ1,θ2).
Show that the variance of log(X1/X3) is asymptotic to n−1(θ1−1+θ3−1) as n→∞. [Hint. The information matrix IΦ for Φ is I−1 and the dispersion matrix of the maximum likelihood estimator Φbehaves, asymptotically (for n→∞ ) as IΦ−1.]