A simple model of a crystal consists of a 1D linear array of sites at positions x=na, for all integer n and separation a, each occupied by a similar atom. The potential due to the atom at the origin is U(x), which is symmetric: U(−x)=U(x). The Hamiltonian, H0, for the atom at the n-th site in isolation has electron eigenfunction ψn(x) with energy E0. Write down H0 and state the relationship between ψn(x) and ψ0(x).
The Hamiltonian H for an electron moving in the crystal is H=H0+V(x). Give an expression for V(x).
In the tight-binding approximation for this model the ψn are assumed to be orthonormal, (ψn,ψm)=δnm, and the only non-zero matrix elements of H0 and V are
where A>0. By considering the trial wavefunction Ψ(x,t)=∑ncn(t)ψn(x), show that the time-dependent Schrödinger equation governing the amplitudes cn(t) is
By examining a solution of the form
show that E, the energy of the electron in the crystal, lies in a band given by
Using the fact that ψ0(x) is a parity eigenstate show that
The electron in this model is now subject to an electric field E in the direction of increasing x, so that V(x) is replaced by V(x)−eEx, where −e is the charge on the electron. Assuming that (ψn,xψm)=0,n=m, write down the new form of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the probability amplitudes cn. Verify that it has solutions of the form
Use this result to show that the dynamical behaviour of an electron near the bottom of an energy band is the same as that for a free particle in the presence of an electric field with an effective mass m∗=ℏ2/(2Aa2).